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Available Methods

console.log(...)Logs information to the console.
alert(message)Shows an alert dialog with the specified message.
rf.getEnvVar(name)Retrieves the value of the specified environment variable.
rf.setEnvVar(name, value)Sets the specified environment variable to the given value.
rf.arrayBuffer.toString(buffer)Converts an ArrayBuffer to a string.
rf.arrayBuffer.fromString(string)Converts a string to an ArrayBuffer.
rf.base64.toUint8Array(base64)Converts a base64 encoded string to a Uint8Array.
rf.base64.fromUint8Array(uint8Array)Converts a Uint8Array to a base64 encoded string.
fetchSync('<URL>', <FetchOptions>)See: Making HTTP Requests.

Desktop Only

await readFile(path)Reads the contents of a file at the provided file path and returns it as a string.

Pre Request

rf.request.getMethod()Returns the HTTP method of the request.
rf.request.getURL()Retrieves the URL of the request.
rf.request.getHeader(name)Gets a specific header's value by name from the request.
rf.request.setHeader(name, value)Sets a specific header's value for the request.
rf.request.getHeaders()Gets all the headers from the request.
rf.request.setHeaders(headers)Replaces all headers with the provided array.
rf.request.getBody()Gets the request body.
rf.request.setBody(body)Sets the request body with the provided object.
rf.request.getQueryParams()Retrieves query parameters from the request.
rf.request.setQueryParams(queryParams)Sets or replaces query parameters with the provided array.

Post Request

rf.response.getURL()Retrieves the URL from the response.
rf.response.getHeader(name)Gets a specific header's value by name from the response.
rf.response.getHeaders()Gets all the headers from the response.
rf.response.getBody()Retrieves the response body as an ArrayBuffer.
rf.response.setBody(body)Sets the response body with the provided ArrayBuffer.
rf.response.getBodyText()Returns the response body as text.
rf.response.setBodyText(bodyText)Sets the given text as the response body.
rf.response.getBodyJSON()Returns the response body as a parsed JSON object.